Soooo, in-between taking pics, literally from one picture to the next, my camera's SD card died. At the Cheesecake Factory of all places! (in my defense, their decor really looked like the Eye of Sauron was watching us eat...)
I take pictures of eeeeeverything, I have such a terrible memory I feel like I have to! So this is kind of a big a deal (and an excellent reminder to me to back up any pictures once a week going forward).
Before I descend into despondency I need to exhaust all my options for recovery, and sadly I don't really have time for that at the moment.
I am 90% sure I backed up all my travel photos, it's just with my moving I need to find the harddrive, and which harddrive, etc etc.
So we'll see.
I take pictures of eeeeeverything, I have such a terrible memory I feel like I have to! So this is kind of a big a deal (and an excellent reminder to me to back up any pictures once a week going forward).
Before I descend into despondency I need to exhaust all my options for recovery, and sadly I don't really have time for that at the moment.
I am 90% sure I backed up all my travel photos, it's just with my moving I need to find the harddrive, and which harddrive, etc etc.
So we'll see.
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