Sunday, March 31, 2013

Europe Day Three - Part One

Bah I am the slowest at uploading photos/updating.
But hey! At least I'm doing it! Remember India? No? Yeeeeah, that's 'cause I only posted once >.>
So, doing better already!

aralias is a wonderful host, she gave me tea in the morning and really, what more could you ask for?

But there was!
More I mean 8D

Her and X took me to Borough Market!

Locals! If we have the equivalent here, I need to know, because I need to go there every day.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Europe Day Two part two - The end of Wales!

Alright, let's do this!

Also, if someone would like to remind me to poooost. I keep meaning to. And then I don't. So, poking would actually be appreciated.

So I left the Doctor Who Experience with a heavy heart, I pretty much wanted to live there. Or at least go through the interactive part again (which you can't). The gift shop was only okay, it was pretty much the same Who stuff you can get anywhere. I was really hoping for something special. Also I wanted a TARDIS air freshener for my car. Boo.

I don't actually remember whether I hopped a bus or if I walked (which is more reason I really need to actually post), probably bus since I had a pass. Anyway, headed to Mermaid Quay for some more Who locations.

The last of exploring Cardiff...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Europe Day Two Part One - Still Wales!

Early start!
Not really.
I think it was around 7-8.

This is why Riverhouse was extra cool...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Europe 2012! Day One

So I started this blog to chronicle my India (2009) trip and anything subsequent (which there has been), but the problem with travel blogging is if you're really having fun and experiencing all you can... there's no time for blogging!

I may never go back and finish my India trip, or Japan in 2010/2011, but I'm going to try to get my Europe trip out!
In August of 2012 I quite my job and went to Europe for 5 weeks!

Day one!

And somewhere in there I changed a setting on my camera and didn't notice it so sadly a lot of these ended up out of focus and strange....

Day one (and two) are SUPER Doctor Who heavy, so uh, you've been warned.

I flew from SFO into Heathrow and then got a bus I'd pre-bought to Reading train station. I juuuust missed one 'cause I went on a water fountain hunt to fill up my water bottle, then I had to wait 40 minutes. This was kind of a theme on my journey >.>
At Reading I had to wait about an hour since I'd pre-bought those tickets as well, and had wanted to give myself plenty of time. The Reading train station is pretty boring, fyi...